About the Founding Chairman

He is just an ordinary man, but he was given an extraordinary mission to transform the lives of people, to effect positive and long lasting change for the better. His love for humanity especially the young people can be seen in his advocacy (which he established) called, the Keepers Club International. Where the youth can pursue their dreams in life, which he could not due to Pastor Apollo leaving everything behind for a higher and greater calling.

In simple words, the Keepers Club International is a safe haven and platform, where youth can: Unlock your potential, Developing your talents and skills, Discovering and finding your passion, Find belongingness as a member of the Keepers Club Intl family, Finding your purpose and dedicating your lives in contributing to the positive development of the world as a global citizen, Encouraging Love and care for Environment and Instilling in them Values, Good Manners & Right Conduct.

Besides his love for the children, Pastor Apollo’s heartbeat has been the young people of the world. He too had a promising future, as a young man, he was very ambitious, he had great dreams to have many degrees and professions in life, however, he left it all behind, he made a life changing decision, for a ministry and mission whose positive change and transformative impact is seen globally today the young people are his legacy.

The Keepers Club International is no ordinary club, it is gathering of young people, a global community, which began from one and now years more than 21 years later to thousands of youth who have found true change, a change that began from within and has manifested on the outward, to their parents, families, friends, loved ones and even in academics to their teachers and professors.

Things that you didn't know about him.

Exemplary Chairman of Different Organizations

Honorary Chairman of SMNI​​

Honorary Chairman of SMNI​

Award winning Global Media Network which promotes Truth that Matters, Love of God, fellowmen & Country the Philippines.

Founding Chairman of JMCFI​​

Founding Chairman of JMCFI​

Which celebrates its 21 year anniversary in providing ACQ Education: Assured, Consistent, Quality Education.

Founding Chairman of CJFI

Which celebrates its 21 year anniversary in providing ACQ Education: Assured, Consistent, Quality Education.

Executive Pastor of KJCTNAEN

Kingdom of Jesus Christ - The Name Above Every Name is
37 Years & Beyond the Skies are Clear and Future is bright as the ministry is poised soon to inaugurate the Mega Project KINGDOME dubbed as “largest indoor Cathedral in World”

Global Awards and Recognition

Multiple Awards from different Countries and Humanitarian Organizations

National Academy Security And Defense Planning (Romania)

Recipient Of Honorary Doctorate Degrees

Globe Eagle University (USA)

European Commission And United Nations Intergovernmental Organization (UN-IGO)

International Special Court Of Arbitration And Human Rights Court

United Nations Intergovernmental Organization (UN-IGO)

International Counter Terrorism Commission (ICTC)